Intumescent Coatings
We offer intumescent coating and boarding services. Intumescent paint coating (fireproof paint) provides fire resistance to structures and open elements. We are experienced at applying intumescent fireproofing paint in industrial and commercial structures. If accounted for early in a project, effective passive fire design reduces delays during construction and can also lead to significant cost savings
Intumescent Coatings
We offer intumescent coating and boarding services. Intumescent paint coating (fireproof paint) provides fire resistance to structures and open elements. We are experienced at applying intumescent fireproofing paint in industrial and commercial structures. If accounted for early in a project, effective passive fire design reduces delays during construction and can also lead to significant cost savings

Pipe Collars & Wraps
Pipe Collars are made from steel / stainless steel with an intumescent lining and are designed to maintain the fire resistance of fire rated walls and floors where these are breached by service penetrations.
They can provide up to 4 hours fire resistance. Suitable for use and anywhere plastic soil and waste pipes pass through fire compartment walls and floors, our intumescent pipe collars are manufactured from a high performance material bonded to the inside of a steel sleeve.
On exposure to heat from a fire they rapidly expand inwards to squeeze the collapsing plastic pipe until the aperture is completely sealed.
We only use pipe collars tested in accordance with the performance requirements of BS476: Part 20: 1987 and are also tested to EN1366-3.
Our pipe collars are light and compact, maintenance free and suitable for use in multi- storey office buildings, flat level developments, hospitals and hotels, providing between 2 hour and 4 hour fire resistance.

Can provide fire resistance for up to 4 hours
Classified for fire sealing all types of building service penetrations
Circular steel shell
Pipe Wraps are designed to maintain the fire resistance of fire separating walls and floors when these are breached by plastic pipes, conduits or metal pipes with continuous combustible insulation, and may be used in drywalls, masonry or concrete walls and concrete floors.
Provides fire resistance for up to 4 hours
Water resistant
Easy to install
Ready made for most common diameters